Reference partitioning

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What is Reference Partitioning?

  • A table can now be partitioned based on the partitioning method of a table referenced in its referential constraint.
  • The partition key is resolved through an existing parent/child relationship.
  • The partitioning key is enforced by active primary key and foreign key constraints. It is not possible to disable the FK of a reference-partitioned table.
  • Tables with a parent/child relationship can be equipartitioned by inheriting the partitioning key from the parent table without duplicating the key columns
  • Partitions are automatically maintained – any partition maintenance operations on the parent table will be cascaded to the child table.


  • Create Parent Table
create table customers
   cust_id   number primary key,
   cust_name varchar2(200),
   rating    varchar2(1) not null
partition by list (rating)
   partition pA values ('A'),
   partition pB values ('B')

SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 
FROM USER_tab_partitions
WHERE table_name='CUSTOMERS';
---------- --------------- ----------
CUSTOMERS  PA              'A'
CUSTOMERS  PB              'B'

  • Create Child table with reference to the Parent table.
create table sales
   sales_id    number primary key,
   cust_id     number not null,
   sales_amt   number,
   constraint  FK_SALES_01
        foreign key (cust_id)
        references customers 
partition by reference (FK_SALES_01);
  • Same partition key is created.
SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 
FROM USER_tab_partitions
WHERE table_name='SALES';
---------- --------------- ----------
SALES      PA              'A'
SALES      PB              'B'
  • Change in partitions of the parent table will also cascade to that of child table.
SQL> alter table CUSTOMERS add PARTITION pC values ('C');
Table altered

SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 
FROM USER_tab_partitions
WHERE table_name='CUSTOMERS';
---------- --------------- ----------
CUSTOMERS  PA              'A'
CUSTOMERS  PB              'B'
CUSTOMERS  PC              'C'

SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value 
FROM USER_tab_partitions
WHERE table_name='SALES';
---------- --------------- ----------
SALES      PA              'A'
SALES      PB              'B'
SALES      PC              'C'