Oracle APEX in 11g Installation

Today I installed Oracle 11g ( on my machine. I did not realize that Oracle APEX is a part of the standard database components.

So after the 11g installation, I just follow simple steps (shown later below) for the post-installation. In order to access the APEX application, either the embedded PL/SQL gateway or Oracle HTTP server with mod_plsql is needed. For simplicity, I’ve decided to go with the former. By using the embedded PL/SQL gateway, it will run using the Oracle XML DB HTTP server which is already in Oracle database, so there is no need to install a separate HTTP server. The Oracle’s document here explains about this as well as provides the detailed information on the post-installation.

To configure the embedded PL/SQL gateway:

1. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/apex directory.

2. Use SQL/Plus to connect as SYS to 11g database where APEX is installed.

SYS AS SYSDBA@db11r1> @apxconf


Enter values below for the XDB HTTP listener port and the password for the Application Express ADMIN user.
Default values are in brackets [ ].
Press Enter to accept the default value.

Enter a password for the ADMIN user              []admin_password
Enter a port for the XDB HTTP listener [      8080]
...changing HTTP Port

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Session altered.

...changing password for ADMIN

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Commit complete.

3. Unlock the ANONYMOUS account.


User altered.

4. Enable Oracle XML DB HTTP server


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Commit complete.

5. We’re now ready to access APEX.

http://host:port/apex/apex_admin — for admin page

Port in this case is 8080 which is the default.

Note that the format of URL is a little bit different from when using HTTP server with mod_plsql –

http://host:port/pls/apex/apex_admin — for admin page

Also the SQL Developer 1.1.3 is included under “sqldeveloper” directory of ORACLE HOME. So just double-click at sqldeveloper.exe to launch application.

64 thoughts on “Oracle APEX in 11g Installation”

  1. Hi My friend Oracle lover …

    I’m trying to make this work on the 11g and didnt find either mod-plsql or http server on this version.

    Do you know how can I get those ?

  2. Have you tried to enable XML DB HTTP?

    To enable Oracle XML DB HTTP server:

    1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database as SYS.

    Enter password: SYS_password

    2. Run the following statements:


    Then proceed with running apxconf script.

    Let me know how it goes.


  3. Hi, I configured a 11G APEX using the enbedded PL/SQL gateway like you described here. Then I tried to log in ADMIN, www::8080/apex/apex_admin, I got a pop-up says:
    The server at XDB requires a username and password, I enetered: ADMIN and password, it failed. What can I do to fix it? Thanks.

  4. Thanks,Ittichai.I checked most postings thru Google search. I ran apex_epg_config many times. Running of epgstat (in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin) produced: Allow repository anonymous access? => false (Anonymous access to XDB) Is this the issue? How to fix it?

    1. Have you tried to restart instance?

      Can you post the result of your epgstat? The anonymous access = false is okay. Setting to TRUE just allows public access to XDB repository without authentication. It is security risk.

      This is my epgstat’s output: (you can try to compare if anything may differ).

      01:32:38 SYS AS SYSDBA@ora11win> @D:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\rdbms\admin\epgstat
      | XDB protocol ports: |
      | XDB is listening for the protocol |
      | when the protocol port is non-zero. |

      HTTP Port FTP Port
      ——— ——–
      8080 0

      1 row selected.

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.15
      | DAD virtual-path mappings |

      Virtual Path DAD Name
      ——————————– ——————————–
      /apex/* APEX

      1 row selected.

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.17
      | DAD attributes |

      DAD Name DAD Param DAD Value
      ———— ———————— —————————————-
      APEX database-username ANONYMOUS
      default-page apex
      document-table-name wwv_flow_file_objects$
      request-validation-funct wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize

      document-procedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
      nls-language american_america.al32utf8
      document-path docs

      7 rows selected.

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.92
      | DAD authorization: |
      | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
      | the DAD must be authorized for the user. |

      no rows selected

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.10
      | DAD authentication schemes |

      DAD Name User Name Auth Scheme
      ——————– ——————————– ——————
      APEX ANONYMOUS Anonymous

      1 row selected.

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
      | ANONYMOUS user status: |
      | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
      | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |

      Database User Status
      ————— ——————–

      1 row selected.

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.59
      | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
      | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
      | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |

      Allow repository anonymous access?

      1 row selected.

      Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

      You can just simply check access to XDB by assigning password to anonymous account (e.g., alter user anonymous identified by anonymous). Then go to http://host:8080, when prompting for username and password, enter anonymous and its password. Assuming that this anonymous account is already unlocked, it should let you in and display list of files/folders on browser.


  5. Thanks Itti,you are still on this. My epgstat output is pretty much like yours. When I give anonymous a password and do the APEX admin login again, I got an ORA-600 [wpemInit_3] on the Oracle alert log. The ORA-600 subcode is not even in MetaLink yes. This 11G is just downloaded without any patch(es). My old APEX is still working on 10g with a HTTP server. So I will wait for 11.2 in the future or after we apply more patch/patchset to it before I try APEX again.
    Regards, Jeff

  6. Jeff,

    Either you could to apply the 11.1.07 patch set (and then try to configure it again) or configure the existing HTTP to this database. At least to see whether or not it may work.


  7. Hi,

    I am having problems getting the Oracle Apex home page to appear. I have apex installed on 11g on Enterprise Linux.

    I have configured Oracle Apex to work over the PL/SQL gateway. I have ran the apexconf.sql script, set the port, unlocked the anonymous account and ran the apex_congfig sql script.

    The port number I have set is 8080 from default of 7779. I have done this multiple times and bounced the database too.

    The URL I am using to access APEX is http://localhost:8080/pls/apex and http://localhost:8080/pls/apex_admin

    I am at a loss as I have followed the documentation post installation tasks and used your instructions many times with no success.

    Your help will be greatly apprecited.


  8. Just completed a fresh standard install of 11g on Windows Server 2008 Std x64. Not a hint of HTTP server but did see APEX was present.

    I followed your directions above and worked perfectly! I would have prefered using the Apache server but this will work.


    1. Glad to hear that it works for you. The Apache with mod_plsql is definitely the way to go for if you plan to use APEX for production at a larger scale. The instructions are there with the download files. The final note – Oracle just released a new way to connect to APEX called APEX listener. This likely will be the default option for the next release of APEX. I wrote about it here.

  9. Well, I followed the above recommendations and it didn’t succeeded (actually, with upgrading Oracle 11gr1 to APEX 3.2.1).
    It say user ANONYMOUS with password “anonymous” is expired.

    I don’t know if it is related to whether the packages are modified need recompilations.

  10. If you password of ANONYMOUS account has expired, you can try to set its password using


    and to be certain, please unlock this account if needed.


  11. Hi there,

    Thanks so much for maintaining this page. It’s nice to know others are stumbling over the same things.

    I have done as most others have here: installed 11g, ran apxconf.sql, unlocked the ANONYMOUS account. However, as another poster mentioned, I do not see any indication that the HTTP server is running. If I try to hit: http://localhost:6666/apex or the admin page I get no response at all (not a 404, not an error….nothing)

    If I run a netstat command I don’t seem to see that the machine is listening on the correct port – should I see it? Do I need to execute anything to tell it to start listening?

    One thing that I notice from the epgstat output below is that anon access seems to be “false”. I haven’t changed any defaults….should this be “true”?

    Any help much appreciated.

    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/epgstat
    | XDB protocol ports: |
    | XDB is listening for the protocol |
    | when the protocol port is non-zero. |

    HTTP Port FTP Port
    ——— ——–
    6666 0

    1 row selected.

    | DAD virtual-path mappings |

    Virtual Path DAD Name
    ——————————– ——————————–
    /apex/* APEX

    1 row selected.

    | DAD attributes |

    DAD Name DAD Param DAD Value
    ———— ———————— —————————————-
    APEX database-username ANONYMOUS
    default-page apex
    document-table-name wwv_flow_file_objects$
    request-validation-funct wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize

    document-procedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    nls-language american_america.al32utf8
    document-path docs

    7 rows selected.

    | DAD authorization: |
    | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
    | the DAD must be authorized for the user. |

    no rows selected

    | DAD authentication schemes |

    DAD Name User Name Auth Scheme
    ——————– ——————————– ——————
    APEX ANONYMOUS Anonymous

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS user status: |
    | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
    | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |

    Database User Status
    ————— ——————–

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
    | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
    | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |

    Allow repository anonymous access?

    1 row selected.


    1. Dwayne,

      I have my listening port displayed when checking with NETSTAT.

      C:\>netstat -an |find /i “listening” | find “8080”

      If you don’t have it, it is likely that issue is with XDB. I assume there is no error when doing “apxconf”? Could you make sure that it is enabled using “EXEC DBMS_XDB.SETHTTPPORT(8080);”?

      The way to check is to go to http://localhost:8080/ (without apex). You will be prompted to logon using anonymous account and its password. Successful logon will display the XDB folders on browser.

      Another thing, just in case, is to check whether or not APEX is installed properly. The status should show VALID.

      @ora11win> select comp_name, version, status
      from dba_registry
      where comp_name=’Oracle Application Express’;

      ———————————– ————— —————
      Oracle Application Express VALID

  12. OK – I guess I just completely missed it….

    1) the port in question *is* shown by netstat, exactly as you point out.
    2) the port *does* seem to be registered when I do a “lsnrctl status”, and it shows HTTP as expected

    However, hitting the URL as you describe above (without apex) gives me nothing. No response at all. Does this help at all?

    Thanks for your reply.

  13. If you see nothing from http://localhost:8080, it seems like you may have issue with XDB rather. Did you have XDB correctly installed? The “Oracle XML Database” must be shown from dba_registry. You may need to google on how to check XDB or even reinstall it.

    BTW, does you browser use proxy?

  14. No browser proxy here. XML DB does indeed show up (and is VALID) in DBA_REGISTRY.

    Currently looking for a way to debug XDB not responding, since netstat says it *should* be listening

  15. With this error check your listener on the Oracle Host. I found that if running the Embedded Gateway, the XDB service needs to be running and registered with the Listener.
    For example, for my 11g DB called “dev1a” – I went into the netmgr utility and added the dev1a DB. It then automatically added the XDB service, and I could see it via:
    [oracle@oraclerac001 trace]$ lsnrctl services

    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version – Production on 29-JAN-2011 10:05:32

    Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oraclerac001.localdomain)(PORT=1521)))
    Services Summary…
    Service “dev1a” has 2 instance(s).
    Instance “dev1a”, status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
    “DEDICATED” established:0 refused:0
    Instance “dev1a”, status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
    “DEDICATED” established:0 refused:0 state:ready
    Service “dev1aXDB” has 1 instance(s).
    Instance “dev1a”, status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
    “D000” established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
    The command completed successfully

    Note the : Service “dev1aXDB” has 1 instance(s).
    This is required for the embedded gateway.

  16. I have been facing the same problem.
    Most solutions point at the anonimous user is locked.
    In my situation also the xdb user was locked.
    So after: SQL>alter user xdb account unlock
    My problem was solved!

  17. Hello all,
    I have installed one 11gR2 database on a test environment and am currently trying to configure the embedded pl/sql gateway for APEX 3.2. Would you happen to know if there is a possibility to configure both the embedded pl/sql gateway AND http server with mod_plsql (of course on a separate AS) for the same DB hosting APEX ?

    Thank you.

    1. I would assume that there shouldn’t be any issues as long as there is no host and port conflict. However, I see no point to having both configured at the same time.

  18. There was actually a note saying that the embedded pl/sql gateway is not recommended for applications using Internet (and with good reason! the DB would be quite exposed…). Although, I have many developpers who are building a log of internal applications using APEX… so I was just checking how our next architecture would be with 11g…

    Thank you for your post; this will give me some ideas!

  19. Hi,
    We tried to set up the oracle http server first time (newbie) and followed all the installation steps above. unlocked accounts and set pwd for anonymous, xdb…
    Verified all objects (apex x db) and are valid.
    Ran the netstat -na and found that
    ran epgstat.sql and it is showing exactly similar to you (except response times).
    We want to have Oracle HTTP server with APEX 3.1.2 (client requirement).
    When I went to http://localhost:8080/apex… I got following error. Any clue or direction greatly appreciated.


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Host: localhost:8080


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Keep-Alive: 115


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Connection: keep-alive


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command: Cookie: oracle.uix=0^^GMT-4:00^p


    Report Server Exception
    Unsupported command:


  20. I had the same problem when epgstat showed XDB running on 8080 and ANONYMOUS user account is enabled but connecting to http://hostname:8080/apex returned nothing. I even checked lsof to make sure the port 8080 was available.

    After checking around found that my Oracle Enterprise Linux had the firewall enabled. (Use iptables to find this and see if it has any rules against INPUT). Removing the INPUT rules, fixed the issue.

  21. Does anybody knows how to configure Apex in a multi Tier environment? I’d like to install the Apex inside my main Oracle Database, but instead of create another http service, I would like to call the Apex through an OAS (Oracle Application Server) that today is being used to publish Oracle Forms and Reports.

  22. Do you know how to create a new Tier in the OAS with Apache v.1 (before Weblogic)? This is the version that I have in the company where I work. I didn’t find any document that explains how to configure this old version of Oracle Server. Today I already have two tiers. One to INFRA, and another to FORM (Oracle Forms and Reports). I would like to create one more tier called APEX and use it to call the Apex that was installed inside my production database.

  23. Thank you. I have already followed those steps, but I believe that I have to configure something else that I don’t know exactly what. The main problem is that my server already have two tiers. One to Infra and another to Form. I did exactly what the document explains inside Form tier but nothing happens. I will try to configure Infra tier this time. An Oracle consulter said me that I had to create another tier, for example, Apex. This third tier would be responsible for the controle of the Apex software. But as I’m not an Apache administrator, I don’t know how to create this new Tier.

    Thank you.

    1. If you followed the steps (especially adding new content to the dads.conf), that is to create a new application tier (noted host:port/pls/apex). The pls maps to the mod_plsql. What comes after is the application name, i.e., apex.

      I think you have to clearer on what you’ve done.

  24. Hi,

    I would like to use this post on my blog ( I would provide a link back to your original post. Please met me know if thats ok. I don’t want to plagiarize your hard work :)) And btw great post.

    1. You can use it per Creative Common License. You must attribute the content in the manner specified by the author (but not in any way that suggests that this is your work). Thanks.

      1. Thanks Ittichai for your reply. I don’t know how the framework of Creative Common works, So I can use it and give you full credit in the beginning of the article and provide a link back to your original post. I hope that is ok.

  25. Pingback: Install Oracle Apex in 11gR2 | Easy Oracle DBA

  26. Hi.
    First, thank you for maintaining this page. This sort of thing is why I love the interwebs.

    I had APEX 3.whatever running on 11g and then tried to upgrade to 4.1, now I’m getting many of the issues described above.
    When I try to go to the admin page, I get webpage can not be found.
    When I try and go to the non-admin page, I get
    Error ERR-1014 Application not found.
    application=4500 workspace=10

    When I try and just go to localhost:8080, I see some APEX folders.
    I’ve also turned off Window Firewall, and bounced my db.
    And, epgstat below
    SQL> @epgstat
    | XDB protocol ports: |
    | XDB is listening for the protocol |
    | when the protocol port is non-zero. |

    HTTP Port FTP Port
    ——— ——–
    8080 0

    1 row selected.

    | DAD virtual-path mappings |

    Virtual Path DAD Name
    ——————————– ——————————–
    /apex/* APEX

    1 row selected.

    | DAD attributes |

    DAD Name DAD Param DAD Value
    ———— ———————— —————————————-
    APEX database-username ANONYMOUS
    default-page apex
    document-table-name wwv_flow_file_objects$
    request-validation-funct wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize

    document-procedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    nls-language american_america.al32utf8
    document-path docs

    7 rows selected.

    | DAD authorization: |
    | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
    | the DAD must be authorized for the user. |

    no rows selected

    | DAD authentication schemes |

    DAD Name User Name Auth Scheme
    ——————– ——————————– ——————
    APEX ANONYMOUS Anonymous

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS user status: |
    | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
    | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |

    Database User Status
    ————— ——————–

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
    | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
    | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |

    Allow repository anonymous access?

    1 row selected.


    1. Have you verified that the APEX component was installed successfully?

      SQL> select comp_name, version, status from dba_registry where comp_name ='Oracle Application Express';
      COMP_NAME                                VERSION      STATUS
      ---------------------------------------- ------------ -----------
      Oracle Application Express       VALID

      And did you install with both development and runtime modes, not just runtime only?

    2. Have you verified that the APEX component was installed successfully?

      SQL> select comp_name, version, status from dba_registry where comp_name ='Oracle Application Express';
      COMP_NAME                                VERSION      STATUS
      ---------------------------------------- ------------ -----------
      Oracle Application Express       VALID

      And did you install with both development and runtime modes, not just runtime only?

      1. Actually, I’m pretty unhappy at the moment with my entire oracle installation so I’m going to wipe and start over from scratch.
        I’m sure I’ll be back to bug you then.

  27. Back as promised.

    OK, I reinstalled Oracle 11.2, and before going on to upgrade my Apex install to 4, I tried connecting
    to the apex 3 install. That worked fine.
    I then went through the Apex 4 upgrade which appeared to go ok:
    SQL> select comp_name, version, status from dba_registry where comp_name =’Oracle Application Express’;

    —————————— ———–
    Oracle Application Express VALID

    But I couldn’t connect.
    I tried installing the Apex Listener, which I start with
    java.exe -Dapex.images=D:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\apex\images -Dapex.port=8081 -jar D:\apexlistener\apex.war

    I was able to get to the configuration screen, but after, when I tried to go to the admin screen, I get nothing.
    I tried turning off Windows Firewall, but that didn’t help either.
    I can still get to the Apex configuration web page at:
    Though, of course, now all it says is
    “The APEX Listener is already configured. Please login as Administrator to access APEX Listener Administration.”

    Any help would be much appreciated (even if its “Go install a real webserver”).

    SQL> @epgstat.sql
    | XDB protocol ports: |
    | XDB is listening for the protocol |
    | when the protocol port is non-zero. |

    HTTP Port FTP Port
    ——— ——–
    8080 0

    1 row selected.

    | DAD virtual-path mappings |

    Virtual Path DAD Name
    ——————————– ——————————–
    /apex/* APEX

    1 row selected.

    | DAD attributes |

    DAD Name DAD Param DAD Value
    ———— ———————— —————————————-
    APEX database-username ANONYMOUS
    default-page apex
    document-table-name wwv_flow_file_objects$
    request-validation-funct wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize

    document-procedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    nls-language american_america.al32utf8
    document-path docs

    7 rows selected.

    | DAD authorization: |
    | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
    | the DAD must be authorized for the user. |

    no rows selected

    | DAD authentication schemes |

    DAD Name User Name Auth Scheme
    ——————– ——————————– ——————
    APEX ANONYMOUS Anonymous

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS user status: |
    | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
    | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |

    Database User Status
    ————— ——————–

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
    | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
    | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |

    Allow repository anonymous access?

    1 row selected.

    SQL> spool off

    1. btw, I can now get to the ListenerAdmin screen, and can see it receiving my HTTP requests (well, can see the errors when I put in a junk URL)

      1. (btw, I actually am kinda connecting to the Apex Admin screen, I think, since the icon in my tab changes, as does the text, I just end up with a blank page)

  28. i tried to install the apex.war file for apex listener and it keeps saying ‘failure to load main-class manifest attribute’.
    Can anyone pls help???

  29. Hi ittichai,

    I just installed oracle 11g r2. I didn’t configured internal apex 3.2 and I directly installed apex 4.2.

    I followed all the steps described on Oracle and many other sites.

    anonymous, apex_40200, apex_public_user, flows_files and xdb users are open.

    epgstat is same as above posts.

    netstat output is fine.

    apex is valid in dba_registry.

    dbms_xdb.gethttpport returns 8080.

    But when I try the url http://localhost:8080/apex/apex_admin, it shows nothing. Page title changes to Apex Administrative Services. But I see javascript error in the status bar “‘apex’ undefined”

    Do you have any idea what can be the issue? Please help.

    when I try http://localhost:8080, it asks for credentials. I use anonymous user credentials I set in the database. Then it shows 6 directories OLAP_XDS/, home/, images/, olap_data_security/, public/, sys/, xds/. Is this ok?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. I think you’re on the right track if the page title shows the correct one. Can you post you epgstat output (just to double-check it)? You may try to use the Firebug or built-in debug tool in many browsers to find out what may cause that error?

  30. Thanks for reply. Here is the epgstat output

    SQL> @epgstat
    | XDB protocol ports: |
    | XDB is listening for the protocol |
    | when the protocol port is non-zero. |

    HTTP Port FTP Port
    ——— ——–
    8080 0

    1 row selected.

    | DAD virtual-path mappings |

    Virtual Path DAD Name
    ——————————– ——————————–
    /apex/* APEX

    1 row selected.

    | DAD attributes |

    DAD Name DAD Param DAD Value
    ———— ———————— —————————————
    APEX database-username ANONYMOUS
    default-page apex
    document-table-name wwv_flow_file_objects$
    request-validation-funct wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize

    document-procedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    nls-language american_america.al32utf8
    document-path docs

    7 rows selected.

    | DAD authorization: |
    | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
    | the DAD must be authorized for the user. |

    no rows selected

    | DAD authentication schemes |

    DAD Name User Name Auth Scheme
    ——————– ——————————– ——————
    APEX ANONYMOUS Anonymous

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS user status: |
    | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
    | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |

    Database User Status
    ————— ——————–

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
    | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
    | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |

    Allow repository anonymous access?

    1 row selected.

    1. By the way, in EM, I am seeing following critical error

      Internal error (ORA-600[wpemInit_3]) detected in C:\app\abc\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\alert\log.xml at time/line number: Sun Oct 28 12:59:36 2012/12656.

  31. As in my earlier post, epgstat output is not clearly shown , I am posting the epgstat output again –

    SQL> @epgstat
    | XDB protocol ports: |
    | XDB is listening for the protocol |
    | when the protocol port is non-zero. |

    HTTP Port FTP Port
    ——— ——–
    8080 0

    1 row selected.

    | DAD virtual-path mappings |

    no rows selected

    | DAD attributes |

    no rows selected

    | DAD authorization: |
    | To use static authentication of a user in a DAD, |
    | the DAD must be authorized for the user. |

    no rows selected

    | DAD authentication schemes |

    no rows selected

    | ANONYMOUS user status: |
    | To use static or anonymous authentication in any DAD, |
    | the ANONYMOUS account must be unlocked. |

    Database User Status
    ————— ——————–

    1 row selected.

    | ANONYMOUS access to XDB repository: |
    | To allow public access to XDB repository without authentication, |
    | ANONYMOUS access to the repository must be allowed. |

    Allow repository anonymous access?

    1 row selected.

    Request you to please respond to my query. I am in a real mess.

  32. Hi,

    This issue is now resolved.
    Now the next issue is , I am successfully able to access APEX in firefox. But the images on APEX login page is not displayed correctly. i.e. the html view of the page is not seen. What do I do?

  33. hi dear admin
    i have installed orcale 11g as my database and apex but i can.t acess my main page whil i gave the following in my browser

    but it dos,t work

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