Currently I’m working on a project dealing with lot of statistic calculations particularly that of quartiles. First, I have no idea what it is. Thanks to Wiki for explanation. Now the tough part is to do the actual calculation. Fortunately, Oracle provides DBMS_STAT_FUNCS which is exactly what I’m looking for.
List of available calculations –
TYPE summaryType IS RECORD ( count NUMBER, min NUMBER, max NUMBER, range NUMBER, mean NUMBER, cmode num_table, variance NUMBER, stddev NUMBER, quantile_5 NUMBER, quantile_25 NUMBER, median NUMBER, quantile_75 NUMBER, quantile_95 NUMBER, plus_x_sigma NUMBER, minus_x_sigma NUMBER, extreme_values num_table, top_5_values n_arr, bottom_5_values n_arr);
Sample –
set serveroutput on; DECLARE sfsumtype dbms_stat_funcs.summaryType; BEGIN dbms_stat_funcs.summary(p_ownername=>'SCHEMA_NAME', p_tablename=>'TABLE_NAME', p_columnname=>'COLUMN_NAME', s=>sfsumtype); dbms_output.put_line('Quantile 5 => ' || sfsumtype.quantile_5); dbms_output.put_line('Quantile 25 => ' || sfsumtype.quantile_25); dbms_output.put_line('Median => ' || sfsumtype.median); dbms_output.put_line('Quantile 75 => ' || sfsumtype.quantile_75); dbms_output.put_line('Quantile 95 => ' || sfsumtype.quantile_95); END; /
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