Today all is about interesting new features of Oracle 11gR2 including Grid Plug and Play (GPnP), Grid Naming Service (GNS), Simple Client Access Name (SCAN), DBFS (Database File System) and so on. I have to admit that all of these are very overwhelming. Some of new features will change the way we’ve done things in the past. It seems like the more you hear about them, the more questions you’re having.
Arup had a great tip about the availability of Oracle product managers, architect and developers at th DEMOgrounds. I had a chance to stop by at the database booths to ask about SCAN and DBFS. The developers there are very patiently helpful talking time to explain things to me clearly. One of them even gave me his business card so I can contact him directly. 🙂 I’ve spent almost an hour there having lot of questions answered (but still lot of things I didn’t quite grasp it yet). I’ll soon blog about what I’ve learned after trying them out.

You can view my OOW’s pictures on my Flickr page.