I just answered APEX forum on the pop-up when hovering over tabular column. It is a quick solution.
1. Create Javascript functions as follows. The description of each function is self-explanatory in its name.
Note that above includes a DIV tag named DisplayPopup which will be used to store the pop-up text.
You can personalize the pop-up in the ShowPopup function. This includes font’s color, background color, pop-up width as well as X-Y offset position.
2. Call ShowPopup and HidePopup by onMouseOver and onMouseOut Javascript events respectively from the Element Attributes of the column you want to have pop-up shown.
In my sample here, I added the following Javascript events to both Ename and Job columns.
[source=”js”]onMouseOver=”ShowPopup(this);” onMouseOut=”HidePopup();”[/source]