Today all my sessions are pretty much centered around Oracle ASM. Even though all sessions started with basic information about ASM (what is, why, and so on), I found the Q&A time at the end more interesting. One of the sessions – “Extending Oracle ASM in Release 11.2 to Manage All Data” has the panel of the ASM development team for Q & A. It is awesome to see these people who are responsible for this cool product face-to-face.
A common question I’ve heard over and over is that how many diskgroups Oracle recommends in a deployment. The panel said that regardless of the number of databases, still only two diskgroups are recommended as the best practice – one diskgroup for work area (e.g., data files), other for recovery (e.g., flash recovery). The exception of more-than-two diskgroups is if organization has ILM strategy – putting disks of different tiers into different diskgroups based on requirement and strategy.
A quick note from the ASM development team while they’re talking about the ACFS snapshot is that they’re working on more of data services around ACFS such as storage replication. We should hear about it soon. 🙂