The File Watcher is a scheduler object that starts a job whenever files whose attributes met the defined criteria arrived on a system. These criteria include the name, location, and other properties of a file. When the file watcher detects the arrival of the designated file, it raises a file-arrival event. The event message, which has all information on the newly-arrived file, can then be used to process the file.
This new feature simplifies the configurations of the most common triggering event in the data load/batch processing which is to detect the arrival of files.
File Watcher configuration
Setup a new database account to manage the file watcher.
SQL> create user watcher_user identified by watcher_pwd quota unlimited on users; User created SQL> grant connect to watcher_user; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant EXECUTE on SYS.SCHEDULER_FILEWATCHER_RESULT to watcher_user; Grant succeeded.
Other grants needed to complete the tests:
grant create table, create procedure, create job to watcher_user; grant execute on dbms_lock to watcher_user; grant execute on dbms_system to watcher_user; grant manage scheduler to watcher_user; SQL> create or replace directory STAGING_DIR as '/home/oracle/staging'; Directory created. SQL> grant read, write on directory staging_dir to watcher_user; Grant succeeded.
Now as a new watcher_user, we will configure the File Watcher.
1. Create a credential using the OS privilege for file access.
begin dbms_scheduler.create_credential( credential_name => 'watch_credential', username => 'oracle', password => 'oracle'); end; /
2. Create a table to store data processed from file.
create table t_staging_files( upload_timestamp timestamp, file_name varchar2(100), file_size number, contents clob );
3. The procedure will process file data and put into a database table.
create or replace procedure process_files (payload IN sys.scheduler_filewatcher_result) is l_clob clob; l_bfile bfile; dest_offset INTEGER := 1; src_offset INTEGER := 1; src_csid NUMBER := NLS_CHARSET_ID ('AL32UTF8'); lang_context INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx; warning INTEGER; begin insert into t_staging_files ( upload_timestamp , file_name, file_size, contents) values( payload.file_timestamp, payload.directory_path || '/' || payload.actual_file_name, payload.file_size, empty_clob() ) returning contents into l_clob; l_bfile := bfilename('STAGING_DIR', payload.actual_file_name); dbms_lob.fileopen(l_bfile); dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile ( l_clob, l_bfile, dbms_lob.getlength(l_bfile), dest_offset, src_offset, src_csid, lang_context, warning ); dbms_lob.fileclose(l_bfile); end; /
4. Create a Program object with a Metadata argument.
begin dbms_scheduler.create_program ( program_name => 'file_watcher', program_type => 'stored_procedure', program_action => 'process_files', number_of_arguments => 1, enabled => false); dbms_scheduler.define_metadata_argument ( program_name => 'file_watcher', metadata_attribute => 'event_message', argument_position => 1); dbms_scheduler.enable('file_watcher'); end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
5. Create a File Watcher
begin dbms_scheduler.create_file_watcher( file_watcher_name => 'my_file_watcher', directory_path => '/home/oracle/staging', file_name => '*', credential_name => 'watch_credential', destination => null, enabled => false); end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
6. Create an Event-Based Job that references the File Watcher.
begin dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => 'staging_file_job', program_name => 'file_watcher', event_condition => 'tab.user_data.file_size > 10', queue_spec => 'my_file_watcher', auto_drop => false, enabled => false); dbms_scheduler.set_attribute('staging_file_job','parallel_instances',true); end; /
7. Enable all objects
begin dbms_scheduler.enable('my_file_watcher,staging_file_job'); end; /
8. Perform validation
$ echo "Hello World Hello World" > /home/oracle/staging/test_file.txt
After waiting for about 10-15 minutes,
col UPLOAD_TIMESTAMP format a20 col FILE_NAME format a20 col CONTENTS format a20 select * from t_staging_files; UPLOAD_TIMESTAMP FILE_NAME FILE_SIZE CONTENTS -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------------------- 13-OCT-09 /home/oracle/staging 23 Hello World Hello World 00000 PM /test_file.txt
By default, the file watcher checks for the arrival of files every 10 minutes. You can adjust this interval as follows:
as SYS user
You can view information about file watchers by querying the views *_SCHEDULER_FILE_WATCHERS.
col FILE_WATCHER_NAME format a20 col DIRECTORY_PATH format a20 col FILE_NAME format a5 col CREDENTIAL_NAME format a17 SELECT file_watcher_name, directory_path, file_name, credential_name FROM dba_scheduler_file_watchers; FILE_WATCHER_NAME DIRECTORY_PATH FILE_ CREDENTIAL_NAME -------------------- -------------------- ----- ----------------- MY_FILE_WATCHER /home/oracle/staging * WATCH_CREDENTIAL
Oracle 11gR2 document: Starting a Job When a File Arrives on a System
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Very nice hidden feature. Thank you for sharing and start writing again Ittichai
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Nice Example for new feature again. I don’t test about it.
I’ll test and learn from your post.
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Pingback: Did You Know About File Watchers? » Eddie Awad's Blog
I tried with the above given steps. all the scripts and commands executed successfully. But it is not working as i have not seen any record inserted in the table after 30min as well. Could you please help me to work out this.
Tnx in Advance
I followed all steps, all work well
but at the end, the program / procedure never stop, the session continue to be active.
the stored proc keep locked and not possible to modify it, as it still running
someone met the same issue ?