
Rename all exported files to their original names after exporting from Oracle database using Oracle SQL Developer’s Shopping Cart

If you’re searching for “export Oracle BLOB”, the article, by Jeff Smith, titled “Exporting Multiple BLOBs with Oracle SQL Developer” using Oracle SQL Developer” is usually at the top of the search result. The SQL Developer features the Shopping Cart without using scripts to export BLOBs out of a database. I don’t want to go …

Rename all exported files to their original names after exporting from Oracle database using Oracle SQL Developer’s Shopping Cart Read More »

Customize/Personalize Oracle APEX Workspace Environment

When you have multiple Oracle APEX environments, e.g., development, test, UAT and production, and for multiple groups, one of the confusing things is that sometimes developers are lost on which environment they’re working on. Most of technically proficient developers can make a distinction easily from the URLs they’re currently using. However, most of less technically …

Customize/Personalize Oracle APEX Workspace Environment Read More »

Book Review: Android Application Testing Guide (Deigo Torres Milano) by PACKT Publishing

When I was offered to review this book, I was so excited. The topic is probably one of the least popular topics in the Android development circle based on the number of books written on Android. Most of the books in the market tend to cover solely on the area of actual development because it …

Book Review: Android Application Testing Guide (Deigo Torres Milano) by PACKT Publishing Read More »

Oracle APEX (Application Express) Built-in LDAP Test Tool Stand-alone Application

Oracle APEX provides multiple ways for authentication. The most commonly used one is the LDAP authentication. Configuring it is very straight-forward in most cases – just providing the LDAP host, port, whether or not to use SSL, and finally the DN string. See here and here for posts about APEX LDAP configuration. Sometime you want …

Oracle APEX (Application Express) Built-in LDAP Test Tool Stand-alone Application Read More »

SQL Developer with “I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded” when connecting to MS SQL using Windows Authentication

I encountered this error “I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded” when using Oracle SQL Developer connecting to a MS SQL database using Windows Authentication. Fortunately, couple web sites (here and here) already mentioned about this. Basically, from the  jTDS distribution downloaded files, I have to copy a DLL file named ntlmauth.dll (which is …

SQL Developer with “I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded” when connecting to MS SQL using Windows Authentication Read More »

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