APEX Listener Released as an Early Adopters

Oracle APEX Listener has been released as an early adopters. It is an alternative to Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) and Oracle Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) as web server to APEX database engine. You may find more information about this at the Oracle’s APEX Listener Download site, or Dimitri’s or John’s blogs.

I just configured the APEX listener with Oracle WebLogic 11g as I would like to compare it with the existing OHS environment. The instructions coming with the download for WebLogic is very straightforward except the last one which asks to recursively copy the apex/images directory to the webserver’s /i. My initial setup shows the logon screen but no images displayed.

I have to admit that I’m a WebLogic novice. My simple workaround to fix this image issue is to make all APEX images into a new application called “i”. This simply can be done by creating a war file of all images under apex/images directory.

F:\DOWNLOAD\apex_3.1.2\apex\images>jar cvf i.war *

Using this i.war file, you just simply install it as a normal application.

If anyone out there have better approaches, please feel free to share. 🙂

[Updated: 4/6/2010] Made a correction to the jar syntax. Thanks Boasheng for your comment.

9 thoughts on “APEX Listener Released as an Early Adopters”

  1. I would like to switch to a new listener with tomcat but there is a file upload problem. I’ve got a working application on apache/embedded listener but with a new listener a file is not uploaded and a file name is not passed to a file upload procedure.

    1. Art,

      Can you give the clearer description of your file upload problem? Did you follow the instructions from here? Please also note that this is just the early adopters – it is not recommended to deploy for production use yet.


      1. Hi ittichai, I’ve followed instructions. I’ve got Oracle XE on Linux Fedora. My application (http://przezwlasciciela.pl) is up and running on Apache and an embedded listener. I’ve installed a new listener with Tomcat and everything is working fine but a file upload. It looks like a value from a file input filed is not passed to an upload process. It is definitely not passed to my oracle procedure that is executed once a file gets uploaded.



  2. Not to be picky but you may want to change “java -cvf i.war *.*” to “java cvf i.war *”. There are many directories in images directory. *.* will not match the sub directories.

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