OOW09 Day 4

Today all is about interesting new features of Oracle 11gR2 including Grid Plug and Play (GPnP), Grid Naming Service (GNS), Simple Client Access Name (SCAN), DBFS (Database File System) and so on. I have to admit that all of these are very overwhelming. Some of new features will change the way we’ve done things in …

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OOW09 Day 3

Today I’ve decided to skip the morning’s keynotes and went for the Unconference. I’ve never attended an Unconference before, but have heard many good things about it from fellow bloggers. And yes they’re absolutely right!. Today’s morning session is the “What’s New in Eleven … Dot Two (that Oracle won’t be talking about)” conducted by …

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OOW09 Day 2

Today all my sessions are pretty much centered around Oracle ASM. Even though all sessions started with basic information about ASM (what is, why, and so on), I found the Q&A time at the end more interesting. One of the sessions – “Extending Oracle ASM in Release 11.2 to Manage All Data” has the panel …

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OOW09 Day 1

My first day at OOW 2009 was filled with excitement intellectually and physically. Let’s talk about the physical part first. As I’m staying at Marriott hotel in Oakland, I have to take BART from Oakland to Powell station. Unfortunately, I did not realize that only on Sunday the train station near my hotel won’t be …

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